SHOT is recognized as are the regional leader in the field of supply of all types of weapons, protective and specialized equipment for police, armed forces, security agencies and civil protection agencies. We have catered to several organisations in the past and have had good working relation with all of them. Further, we organise presentations of new systems and equipment for state institutions and agencies. Our experts with multiple talents and skills, and our senior executive team with over 50 years of combined experience in the field of specialized equipment are behind countless successfully implemented services. One of our strengths is close local knowledge of the countries and clients we serve.
We are an authorized distributor and dealer for more than 50 well-known international companies and manufacturers of specialized equipment. Our specialized service center provides full service coverage during and after the warranty period. We provide installation, on-site support, training and technical consultancy for all supplied products and equipment.
We organise presentations of specialized equipment for state agencies, public procurement procedures and ITBs, transportaton and import of goods, installation of equipment and training in the fields of: Law enforcement, Special police units, Riot gear, EOD/EID units, CBRN defense units, Crime scene investigation, Forensics and laboratory, Digital forensics, Security and intelligence agencies, Correctional officers and prisons, Fire & rescue teams, Agencies for protection of people and property, Military, Training.
Further, we deal with the wholesale of weapons, sports and outdoor equipment for sporting and hunting equipment stores and retail sale through the online store for shooting and firearms enthusiasts.
Retail sale through the online store for shooting and firearms enthusiasts, it is the stage to excite our customers.
Our online sale team is the bridge to our customers, forging relationships and shaping experiences.
We believe that collaborating with strategic partners allows us to provide our customers access to the latest technologies and premium technical support. Good partnerships lie at the root of all the projects we successfully finished. Our partners contribute in various ways to the successful relations we developed with our customers.
Recognised as a reliable partner by hundreds of satisfied customers, both domestic and international, SHOT services the needs of many government, law enforcement and military customers. Our clients range from governments to private insOtuOons. We have worked on a wide range of projects with the Ministry of Security, Ministry of JusOce, SIPA, FMUP, MUP RS, Brcko District Police, Cantonal Ministries of Internal Affairs, OSSA, the ICITAP program, UNDP Sarajevo, the Office of the High RepresentaOve, US Embassy, Embassy of Great Britain, German Embassy and many others.